Friday, 19 April 2013

Sweet Inspiration

To bring a focus to my inspiration and bring all my ideas together for designing my final piece, I decided to create a mood board. My mood board features everything I have taken inspiration from during this project so far, and so will hopefully help me decide on what to make as my final design. As I have used a lot of fashion based designs as inspiration, it would make sense for me to produce a fashion piece on a mannequin. Although I do like this idea, due to my love of fashion, I think it would be wise to explore all my other options before deciding on my final outcome.

 I feel my mood board, alongside my sample work, will definitely be useful when developing and designing my final piece for this project. 

Development of Samples

In order to get the best grade I can possibly get, development of my work is essential. Whilst experimenting with techniques, it was suggested that to improve I combine a few of my samples together, and therefore techniques, to create exciting new ones. So I kept this in mind when creating my final samples for my final piece. As well as this, I also wanted to make sure I linked my work to my designers' work, so I've added a few techniques and ideas in to ensure I do this. 

Below the photos show some development of my final samples.

Sweet, Sweet Sample Sheets

Recently I've been very busy creating my sweet inspired samples. Using the inspiration captured in my visual sheet and from the designers featured on this blog, I have experimented extensively with different techniques to create a wide range of unique samples. 
I then went on to mount my work on sheets, as I fancied a change, having done my last two projects in sketchbooks. 
Some of the techniques featured in these samples include: shibori wax, string and foam printing, felting, use of melted plastics and fibres, use of acetate, layering of materials, use of angelina fibres, stitching into photographs, trapping materials in plastic wallets and distressing various surfaces with the heat gun. Most of my samples are made from a combination of these techniques, as I like to experiment to see what works best.

My next step is to continue experimenting and developing my sample work, and then decide which samples I would like to use in my final piece.